A lot of people are asking about the New Method of Create Netflix Account Using Orange TV, So today I'm sharing this method for free. It is working as of now and is the easiest thing to do.
1) Login to your Orange TV Account at Orange.fr/
2) Open another tab in same window and paste this link: https://boutique.orange.fr/eligibilite?NewShopInternet=true&callbackURLFiber=https%3A%2F%2Fm.boutique.orange.fr%2Finternet%2Fretour-elipi&callbackURLxDSL=https%3A%2F%2Fm.boutique.orange.fr%2Finternet%2Fretour-elipi
3) It will ask you for a address Like this: Click here to see the image.
4) and now fill random France street address there.
5) - On next Page choose LiveBox Up Fibre and choose 3rd plan with Netflix as shown in image: Click here to see the image.
6) Confirm Plan and Receive email from them and Make Netflix Account. Done
If this Create Netflix Account Using Orange TV Method is helpful to you don't forget to share website it with your friends and Remember me in your Prayers Thank you ;)