BIN is the abbreviation of the Bank Identification Number, which is a unique bank-based number that is created according to ISO / IEC 7812 standards, indicating which bank the card belongs to.
The first 6 digits of the credit or debit card are information.
The BIN number is a singular value no matter where in the world.
For example; Turkey Finans Participation Bank B 435 629 number is the number of B.
What does this 6-digit BIN mean to us?
BIN information; MasterCard is issued by payment schemes such as Troy and Visa. The details of BIN are kept in the BIN table.
The BIN table contains the following information:
Card Scheme: Information about which card the card is on. For example Visa, MasterCard, Troy, Amex
Card Type: Shows the type information of the card. Has credit or debit card information.
Prepaid?: Yes / No. If this field is Yes, the card is a prepaid card; If no, the card is not a prepaid card.
Card Subtype: Displays the subtype information defined for the relevant card type. For example; Visa debit cards are Electron. Visa credit cards are classified as classic, gold etc.
Card Number Length: It is the field that shows how many digits the card number consists of. There are usually 16 digits.
Card Number Luhn Algorithm: It is the information whether the card number is generated according to Luhn algorithm. Yes / No.
Bank Code: The code information of the bank that owns the BIN number.
Country: The country where the bank that owns the BIN number is located.
Product Type: It is the information on which product type the card is printed. For example, standard card, virtual card and so on.
By entering the BIN number below, you can find out which country's and which bank's card the relevant BIN number belongs to:
Credit Card Bin Code Checker